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3,200,000 SF  |  2,500 Beds  |  Panama City, Panama

Panama City hospital is a transformational change for the culture and health of the country. The proposed design for the new City Hospital carries forward the ambitions of a growing economy and the needs of an underserved population. The approach encompasses a state-of-the-art hospital that will serve its people well into the future. 


The design evolved as a study and understanding of its context down and equally influenced by the efficiency expectations of a high acuity environment. The design evolved as progression of scale, starting with Urban context and its infrastructure ties and needs. Followed by the Medical Site and the immediate needs and relationships of major program components, and finally, and most importantly the Hospital buildings and the creation of a unique environment to enhance the quality of life for all its patients, visitors and doctors.


The proposal unfolds as a carefully curated design that supports and enhances the project principles aimed at making this new Hospital, “... a symbol of quality, efficiency, and humanitarian assistance.” In conclusion, this design will provide a flagship complex, delivering quality diagnostics and treatment and offering the promise of something better for the Panamanian people.


Completed while at CallisonRTKL, Clemente Jaquez served as a Lead Designer.


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